5 Common Things At Home That Termites Can Destroy Easily
Services for pest control in Singapore likely get more complaints about termite infestation compared to any other type of household pests. Having a termite infestation at home can be quite alarming, considering that these pesky insects can easily destroy many important things around your house. Termites are capable of destroying more than you think. Hence, preventing these pests from entering your house as much as possible is crucial. If a hungry termite comes across your belongings, the chances are that you can bid your farewell to that item in just a few days or even hours. In this article, we share five of the most common household items that termites can effortlessly destroy. 1. Wood Wood is the most common material that termites love to consume. This insect’s diet includes cellulose, an organic fibre abundant in wood. When digested, cellulose serves as the primary source of nutrients that termites need to survive. Keep in mind that the consumption of wood by termites can get v